
JS Style Kit provides comprehensive React support with both ESLint rules and TypeScript integration. This includes support for React hooks, React Compiler, and Next.js projects.

Enabling React Support

React support is disabled by default. To enable it, specify react: true in your ESLint configuration:

import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";

export default eslintConfig({
  react: true,

Configuration Options

The React configuration supports several options:

import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";

export default eslintConfig({
  // Enable React with default settings
  react: true,

  // Enable React with custom settings
  react: {
    // Enable/disable React Compiler (default: true when react is enabled)
    reactCompiler: true,

    // Add Next.js support (adds .next to ignores)
    next: true,

Function Style for Components

The functionStyle option affects how React components are styled:

import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";

export default eslintConfig({
  react: true,

  // How functions (including components) should be written
  functionStyle: "arrow", // Default: arrow functions

  // Other options:
  // functionStyle: "declaration" // Use function declarations
  // functionStyle: "expression" // Use function expressions
  // functionStyle: "off" // Disable function style enforcement

Examples of Different Function Styles

Arrow Function Style (default)

// Named component as arrow function
const MyComponent = (props) => {
  return <div>{props.content}</div>;

// Unnamed/inline component as arrow function
export default () => <div>Hello World</div>;

Function Declaration Style

// Named component as function declaration
function MyComponent(props) {
  return <div>{props.content}</div>;

// Unnamed/inline components will still use function expressions
export default function () {
  return <div>Hello World</div>;

Function Expression Style

// Named component as function expression
const MyComponent = function (props) {
  return <div>{props.content}</div>;

// Unnamed/inline component as function expression
export default function () {
  return <div>Hello World</div>;

React Compiler Support

React Compiler (formerly Forget) is a compiler that optimizes React components for better performance. JS Style Kit includes support for React Compiler through the eslint-plugin-react-compiler plugin.

React Compiler support is enabled by default when React support is enabled. To explicitly control it:

import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";

export default eslintConfig({
  react: {
    // Disable React Compiler
    reactCompiler: false,

Next.js Support

For Next.js projects, enable the next option:

import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";

export default eslintConfig({
  react: {
    next: true,

This will add .next to the list of ignored directories, preventing ESLint from analyzing the Next.js build output.

TypeScript Integration

When both React and TypeScript are enabled, JS Style Kit automatically configures TypeScript-specific React rules:

import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";

export default eslintConfig({
  react: true,
  typescript: true, // This is enabled by default

React Hooks Rules

JS Style Kit includes the following rules for React hooks:

  • react-hooks/rules-of-hooks: Enforces the Rules of Hooks
  • react-hooks/exhaustive-deps: Verifies the dependency array of useEffect and similar hooks

Best Practices

The React configuration enforces several best practices:

  • Consistent function component definitions
  • Proper use of React.Fragment
  • Proper use of useState hook
  • No array indexes as keys
  • Proper use of boolean props
  • Self-closing tags for components without children
  • And many more

These rules help avoid common pitfalls in React development and ensure consistent code style across your project.